

JMP Weekly Report
Merry Christmas
Welcome to this week’s Weekly Report, the final report for 2021. We would like to thank you our clients for your business and we look forward to assisting you with your investment needs in 2022. I hope you have enjoyed the Weekly Report throughout 2021, I try to make it interesting and informative.
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meet the board of the future
Future of the board – Governance Institute of Australia, Research Partner Diligent We are delighted to share the Future of the Board report with you, Governance Institute of Australia’s key thought leadership project for 2021.
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Suntory plant based PET
Orangina 100% plant-based PET bottle prototype. Suntory Group today announced that, as a crucial step toward its aim to use 100% sustainable PET bottles globally by 2030 and eliminate all petroleum-based virgin plastic from its global PET supply, the company has successfully created a prototype PET bottle made from 100% plant-based materials.
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Townsville Hydrogen Hub
Australia – Townsville to become a renewable hydrogen powerhouse, MoU to investigate feasibility of exporting hydrogen through the port. Townsville’s bid to become a renewable hydrogen powerhouse has been strengthened with the signing of another Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to investigate the process and feasibility of exporting hydrogen through the city’s Port.
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• Replacing Carbon Fuel With Nitrogen: Chemists Discover New Way To Harness Energy From Ammonia
A research team at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has identified a new way to convert ammonia to nitrogen gas through a process that could be a step toward ammonia replacing carbon-based fuels. The discovery of this technique, which uses a metal catalyst and releases, rather than requires, energy, was reported on November 8, 2021, in Nature...
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• COP26 ends with global agreement to accelerate action on climate this decade
Climate negotiators ended two weeks of intense talks on Saturday with consensus on urgently accelerating climate action.  The Glasgow Climate Pact, combined with increased ambition and action from countries, means that 1.5C remains in sight, but it will only be delivered with concerted and immediate global efforts. 
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End of life for fossil fuels
About half of the world’s fossil fuel assets will be worthless by 2036 under a net zero transition, according to research. Countries that are slow to decarbonise will suffer but early movers will profit; the study finds that renewables and freed-up investment will more than make up for the losses to the global economy.
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Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Saudi Arabia said Middle Eastern economies will be boosted by efforts to cut planet-warming gases and announced a fund to invest in carbon-capture technology.
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Global economy emerging from Covid19
Global Economic Outlook Q3 2021: Picking Up Steam, Fueled By Vaccinations. The effective end of the pandemic is approaching, particularly for the most advanced economies, as vaccinations become widely available, severe COVID-19 cases fall, and economies reopen. This is happening earlier and faster than previously assumed, driving both growth and inflation higher.
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China’s Economy Is Reeling From Successive Punches: Eco Week - Bloomberg: China is counting the cost of a multiple whammy of hits to its economy, from a crackdown on the property market and an energy crunch to stringent virus controls and soaring commodity prices.   
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