

EU Set to Make Solar Panels Mandatory on All New Buildings

The Weekly JMP Report

In a goal to make solar the largest electricity source in the EU, the Commission is proposing plans for mandatory solar panels on all new buildings by 2029. 

Solar panels could soon be mandatory on all new buildings in the European Union under a new proposal aimed at rapidly replacing its reliance on Russian oil and gas supplies with renewable energy. 

Change in global economy

The Weekly JMP Report

The falls in the share market this year – the bad news and the good.

Share markets Worldwide remain under pressure from high inflation, rising interest rates and bond yields, the war in Ukraine and Chinese Covid lockdowns.

It’s still too early to say markets have bottomed. However, it’s not all negative: we may have seen peak inflation in the US, share market earnings are still rising, Covid cases in China appear to be slowing and yield curves are still not pointing to a recession.

Green Hydrogen Economy

The Weekly JMP Report

5 Signs the Green Hydrogen Economy is Just Getting Started.

The dream of a global hydrogen economy has tantalized policymakers ever since the 1970s when researchers began to discuss how the ubiquitous, clean-burning fuel could replace coal, oil and natural gas. Skeptics have had 50 years to scoff at the notion, but it looks like hydrogen fans are getting the last laugh — and that could open up new pathways for scaling up green hydrogen and, in the bigger picture, decarbonization across multiple commercial sectors.