

Townsville Hydrogen Hub

The Weekly JMP Report

Australia – Townsville to become a renewable hydrogen powerhouse, MoU to investigate feasibility of exporting hydrogen through the port.

Townsville’s bid to become a renewable hydrogen powerhouse has been strengthened with the signing of another Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to investigate the process and feasibility of exporting hydrogen through the city’s Port.

• Replacing Carbon Fuel With Nitrogen: Chemists Discover New Way To Harness Energy From Ammonia

The Weekly JMP Report

A research team at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has identified a new way to convert ammonia to nitrogen gas through a process that could be a step toward ammonia replacing carbon-based fuels.

The discovery of this technique, which uses a metal catalyst and releases, rather than requires, energy, was reported on November 8, 2021, in Nature Chemistry and has received a provisional patent from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.

Papau New Guinea LNG

PNG LNG – Annual Sales Revenue

Estimates recently released by JMP Securities, show that the current aggregate revenues to the Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd (KPHL) from the project this year is between US$750 million and US$775 million (about K2.5 billion and K2.6 billion) based on the high prices currently being achieved.

Global economy emerging from Covid19

The Weekly JMP Report

Global Economic Outlook Q3 2021: Picking Up Steam, Fueled By Vaccinations.
The effective end of the pandemic is approaching, particularly for the most advanced economies, as vaccinations become widely available, severe COVID-19 cases fall, and economies reopen. This is happening earlier and faster than previously assumed, driving both growth and inflation higher.