

Carbon emmissions

The Weekly JMP Report

Companies with high greenhouse gas emissions should be subject to a carbon price of $75 a tonne of carbon dioxide, the International Monetary Fund has said, as a way of reaching the goals of the Paris climate agreement.Efforts by the US to reduce its reliance on China for rare earths have taken a new turn, with the Department of Defense now bankrolling a rare earths refinery in Texas, to be built by Australia’s Lynas Rare Earths. We look into this new example of state-level investment in rare earths projects, and what it could mean for the future of an ever-escalating resource conflict.

JMP Market Alert

BSP Financial Limited (BSP) – Trading Halt Announcement

PNGX Markets Limited (PNGX) advises that a trading halt has been placed on the securities of BSP Financial Group Limited (PNGX Code: BSP) at the request of the company in accordance to Listing Rule 17.1 pending it releasing an announcement.

Unless PNGX decides otherwise, the trading halt will remain in place until the earlier of commencement of normal trading on Friday, 18 Juney 2021 or when the announcement is released to the market.

Rare Earths

The Weekly JMP Report

Efforts by the US to reduce its reliance on China for rare earths have taken a new turn, with the Department of Defense now bankrolling a rare earths refinery in Texas, to be built by Australia’s Lynas Rare Earths. We look into this new example of state-level investment in rare earths projects, and what it could mean for the future of an ever-escalating resource conflict.