3 November, 2021
JMP Markets – Market Alert
PNG LNG – Annual Sales Revenue and Daily Volumes Estimates
An Educated Guess
Please find attached JMP Securities – PNG LNG – Annual Sales Revenue and Daily Volumes Estimates – An Educated Guess.
Estimates recently released by JMP Securities, show that the current aggregate revenues to the Kumul Petroleum Holdings Ltd (KPHL) from the project this year is between US$750 million and US$775 million (about K2.5 billion and K2.6 billion) based on the high prices currently being achieved.
The report also estimates that the cumulative revenues from the PNG LNG Project to KPHL since the start of operations in 2014 are in the order of US$5.1 billon (about K17.5 billion).
Kind regards,
Lars Mortensen
General Manager
JMP Securities
Level 1, Harbourside West, Stanley Esplanade
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea